Common blocks that could be holding you back
Do you feel stuck? Are you unsure of which direction you should take? Do you feel a little lost? If so, it could be due to internal blocks. Often we can unconsciously create patterns and beliefs in our mind that are not working for us and this can result in a belief that this is who we are and that we cannot change.
For instance, have you ever had a great idea, but you refrained from pursuing this due to worrying what others may think or say about you or do you frequently imagine what others are thinking about you? Do you continually look for external approval and compare yourself to others?
These negative patterns are mental blocks, they serve only one purpose, which is to keep you stuck and unable to move toward that brilliant idea. This is most likely because you fear what is on the other side of NOT being stuck.
When you find yourself being apprehensive and doubtful of doing or saying something because of what others will think, you are actually preventing yourself from achieving the most amazing possibilities, that deep down you know you are capable of. Always remember, it is better to regret doing something than to regret doing nothing.
Imagine if we all cared what people think, would anyone ever have the courage to do anything? You and only you have control over your thoughts and thinking. No one else has access to your mind, and you have no access to the minds of others so don’t assume you can mind read, you can’t.
If you resonate with any of the above then it is now time to remove these blocks, read on and discover how.
“What anyone thinks is none of my business”
This statement is very empowering and will enable you to be your authentic self. Start using this statement at moments when you start to doubt yourself, just saying
“What anyone thinks is none of my business” will create an inner shift that will allow you to simply let go and be comfortable in your own skin.
In reality, all that truly matters is what YOU say and think about YOU!
It is now time to tell yourself a different story, one that works for you and empowers you, that allows you to be in the driver’s seat, that allows you to truly believe in you.
Stop wasting valuable time and energy worrying about what people think. Whatever is right for you is all that matters, if it feels right then do it.
From now on every time you look in the mirror repeat the following:
I am good enough;
I am unique and special;
I will be the me I was born to be;
What anyone thinks is none of my business;
I can do this;
This is the new me.
If you don’t believe in you then no one else will. Believing in you will allow you to recognise your ability to set goals. Accomplishing these goals will keep you focused and optimistic about the future.
Avoid looking for external validation, instead look within; this is where all the answers are. It is ok to get feedback and guidance from external sources but at the end of the day it is your decision that truly counts.
Don’t let fear of failure keep you stuck, you will learn and grow from whatever you do, be it a success or not, therefore there is no failure?
Fear stands for False Evidence that Appears Real. It is the main thing that holds you back from believing in yourself.
You have the power within to turn your life around you can do this! Believe and make it happen, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
It is your time to shine !